outdoor service - July 18, 2021 | 10:30 AM
Registration required for each individual to attend outdoor service on 7/18. attendance extremely limited. closes on 7/16 or earlier depending on availability.
*Failure to abide by guidelines will result in individuals being asked to leave the premises*
Questions? Email us at office@wrbt.org
the service will be recorded and put on Youtube. Attendance on site is strictly enforced per state and local health guidelines.
The Temple has an obligation to provide a safe and healthy environment in accordance with state and federal law, and comply with the following COVID-19 Temple specific safety practices for outdoor services. Per guidelines, there will be a limit of the number of individual who will be allowed to attend each service. A designated Covid-19 Supervisor will be onsite at all times. Each cemetery may have their own attendance limitation rules, which must be adhered to if more strict than the Temple rules.
The following is a set of guidelines that apply for all attendees from the time of exiting an individual’s vehicle to return to the vehicle:
Masks - All attendees, including Temple staff are required to wear a mask at all times, even if fully vaccinated. Masks must fit snugly over the nose and mouth. Face shields are not an acceptable alternative to masks.
Strict Social Distancing - Six feet of physical distancing must be maintained between each household group. No physical contact with individuals from other households.
Vaccinations - We strongly encourage that individuals attending the services are fully vaccinated at the time of attendance.
Restrictions on Chanting - Chanting will be limited to the minister only (masked). Chanting will not be allowed by the Sangha members. A microphone/speaker will be used so those in attendance can hear without the need to get closer.
Registration is required; if the Temple is told of a positive Covid-19 case that attended the service, this information may be used for contact tracing. Any individuals not registered will be required to remain in their vehicle until the completion of the service.
Upon entering the site, attendees will be asked health screening questions and will be provided with a written copy of the Covid guidelines. A temperature check will also be done.
Screening Questionnaire: Symptom screening is a way to lower the chance of COVID-19 transmission at the Temple. Screening will not identify people not showing symptoms yet, or who may be infected but show no symptoms.
Have you experienced any of the following symptoms in the past 48 hours:
fever or chills
shortness of breath or difficulty breathing
muscle or body aches
new loss of taste or smell
sore throat
congestion or runny nose
nausea or vomiting
Have you been in close contact with any COVID-19 positive individual or anyone with COVID-19 symptoms in the last 14 days?
Individuals who have passed the screening questions will be directed to a location that is properly spaced from other households.
Individuals will be ushered when it is their turn for Oshoko. Once the attendee has completed the process of Oshoko (no incense), they must maintain social distancing until the conclusion of the service is announced.
Socializing is not recommended following the service, adherence to strict six foot distancing and mask wearing is required at all times.
No food may be shared or consumed on site.
Failure to comply with any of the safety requirements and procedures will result in the attendee being asked to leave the premises.