Twice Monthly Guided Meditation Practice

Twice Monthly (1st and 3rd Saturday of each month at 10 a.m.) we conduct a virtual Guided Meditation Practice. These sessions are intended for both the beginner who wants to learn about Meditation or the more experienced meditator who would like to explore different practices.

We are fortunate to have Anika Klix to lead us in these practices.

Anika has been a member of WRBT for five years and presently sits on our Board of Trustees. Practicing meditation and studying mindfulness and the neuroscience behind it as well as from a Buddhist perspective, has been a very enriching and important part of Anika’s journey. She is a Certified Workplace Mindfulness Facilitator (CWMF) through Mindful Leader and has a certificate in Mindfulness-based Stress Reduction (MBSR), which was developed by John Kabat Zinn in the mid-70s.  More recently, she attended a week-long silent meditation and Qigong retreat at Spirit Rock Meditation Center in Woodacre, California. Anika has developed workplace mindfulness programs for the Port of Seattle as well as the City of Seattle where she currently works as a Human Resources Project Manager.

Each session consists of instruction/explanation of the practice we will be learning followed by 30-40 minutes of Guided Practice.

The link to attend each practice is on and no reservation is needed..

Questions or suggestions regarding Meditation are always welcome.

Everyone is welcome.